München, 19.03.2014

Hidden Markets in the Chemical Industry - Illusion or Growth Opportunity?

The chemical-pharmaceutical industry in Germany plays an important role. With its many different products, the industry stands at the beginning of a long supply chain. Over the last number of decades, the high innovation rate has contributed to high growth rates in Germany, even though the market was saturated. The chemical industry in Germany is a driver for technology and innovation - even more so than mechanical engineering. Many downstream branches depend on ideas from the chemical industry, which accounts for 17% of all industry R&D spendings (Kellermann 2012). Besides innovation, the German chemical industry is known for its success abroad. Most firms sell their products in Europe, and often further afield, too. Germany is responsible for 25% of the total sales of chemical products in Europe. In total, more than half of sales are generated abroad (Verband der chemischen Industrie 2013a). To stand out in emerging markets like Asia and South America, risks must be taken into account, especially for small and medium sized firms. It is this kind of firm that is dominating the chemical industry in Germany.

Read the full article here.
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